Mech Battle Character Generators
Weapon: Weapon: System: System Weapons Chart: Accelerator: 1d10 damage, range 1 Blade: 2d6 damage, +1 die from weapon mod effect Blaster: 3d4 damage, ignores 1 armor Cannon: 2d6 damage, range 1 Missiles: 4d4 damage, Mortar: 1d12 damage, can only attack at range 2 (no closer) Saw: 2d8 damage, (melee) Impactor: 1d12 damage, (melee) [Mod]gun: 2d6 damage, choose an additional weapon mod Rockets: 1d10 damage, range 1, explosive (hits everyone in target area, both allies and enemies) Drill: 2d6 damage, +1 die each round it’s used on an enemy in the same zone without changing zones Anti-Armor: +1 die vs targets with a Chassis value of 6 or more. Blitz: +1 die against a target that hasn't been hit yet this round. Burst: +1 die vs targets who've taken 4+ damage this round. Chemical: +1 die against Mechs with a Core Breach. Combo: +1 die when fired alongside a Combo weapon on another mech. Both mechs must be in the same zone and acting in the same phase. Make both attacks simultan...